Creating NiceCXNetwork objects


Create a NiceCXNetwork() from a as a list of dict objects in CX format


import json
import ndex2

# cx_as_str is a str containing JSON in CX format above
net_cx = ndex2.create_nice_cx_from_raw_cx(json.loads(cx_as_str))
Parameters:cx (list) – CX as a list of dict objects
Return type:NiceCXNetwork()

Create a NiceCXNetwork() from a file that is in the CX format


path (str) – the path of the CX file

  • Exception – if path is not a file
  • OSError – if there is an error opening the path file
  • JSONDecodeError – if there is an error parsing the path file with json.load()


Return type:


ndex2.create_nice_cx_from_server(server, username=None, password=None, uuid=None, ndex_client=None)[source]

Create a NiceCXNetwork() based on a network retrieved from NDEx, specified by its UUID.

Changed in version 3.5.0: Code refactor and ndex_client parameter has been added

If the network is not public, then username and password arguments (or ndex_client with username and password set) for an account on the server with permission to access the network must be supplied.

Example usage:

import ndex2

# Download BioGRID: Protein-Protein Interactions (SARS-CoV) from NDEx
net_cx = ndex2.create_nice_cx_from_server(None, uuid='669f30a3-cee6-11ea-aaef-0ac135e8bacf')


If ndex_client is not passed in, this function internally creates Ndex2 using values from parameters passed into this function.

  • server (str) – the URL of the NDEx server hosting the network
  • username (str) – the user name of an account with permission to access the network
  • password (str) – the password of an account with permission to access the network
  • uuid (str) – the UUID of the network
  • ndex_client (Ndex2) – Used as NDEx REST client overriding server, username and password parameters if set

NDExError – If uuid is not specified



Return type:




Creates a NiceCXNetwork based on a networkx.Graph graph.

Changed in version 3.5.0: Major refactor to fix multiple bugs #83, #84, #90

import ndex2
import networkx as nx

G = nx.Graph()
G.add_node(1, someval=1.5, name='node 1')
G.add_node(2, someval=2.5, name='node 2')
G.add_edge(1, 2, weight=5)


The resulting NiceCXNetwork contains the nodes, edges and their attributes from the networkx.Graph graph and also preserves the graph ‘pos’ attribute as a CX cartesian coordinates aspect CARTESIAN_LAYOUT_ASPECT with the values of Y inverted

Description of how conversion is performed:


  • Network name is set value of G.graph.get('name') or to created from networkx by ndex2.create_nice_cx_networkx() if name is None or not present


  • Node id is value of n from this for loop: for n, d G.nodes(data=True): if n is NOT an int, new ids starting from 0 are used
  • Node name is value of name attribute on the node or is set to id of node if name is not present.
  • Node represents is value of represents attribute on the node or set is to node name if None or not present


  • Interaction is value of interaction attribute on the edge or is set to neighbor-of if None or not present


Data types are inferred by using isinstance() and converted to corresponding CX data types. For list items, only the 1st item is examined to determine type

Parameters:G (networkx.Graph) – Graph to convert
Raises:Exception – if G parameter is None or there is another error in conversion
Returns:Converted network
Return type:NiceCXNetwork


ndex2.create_nice_cx_from_pandas(df, source_field=None, target_field=None, source_node_attr=[], target_node_attr=[], edge_attr=[], edge_interaction=None, source_represents=None, target_represents=None)[source]

Create a NiceCXNetwork() from a pandas.DataFrame in which each row specifies one edge in the network.

Changed in version 3.5.0: Removed print statements showing progress and network name is now being set

If only the df argument is provided the pandas.DataFrame is treated as ‘SIF’ format, where the first two columns specify the source and target node ids of the edge and all other columns are ignored. The edge interaction is defaulted to “interacts-with”

If both the source_field and target_field arguments are provided, then those and any other arguments refer to headers in the pandas.DataFrame, controlling the mapping of columns to the attributes of nodes, and edges in the resulting NiceCXNetwork().

If a header is not mapped, the corresponding column is ignored.

If the edge_interaction is not specified, interaction is set to “interacts-with”

import ndex2
import pandas as pd

data = {'source': ['Node 1','Node 2'],
        'target': ['Node 2','Node 3'],
        'interaction': ['helps', 'hurts']}
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data)

net = ndex2.create_nice_cx_from_pandas(df, source_field='source',



The datatype for everything added to the network is the CX string type

  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – Pandas dataframe to process
  • source_field (str) – header name specifying the name of the source node.
  • target_field (str) – header name specifying the name of the target node.
  • source_node_attr (list) – list of header names specifying attributes of the source node.
  • target_node_attr (list) – list of header names specifying attributes of the target node.
  • edge_attr (list) – list of header names specifying attributes of the edge.
  • edge_interaction (str) – the relationship between the source node and the target node, defaulting to “interacts-with”
  • source_represents (str) –
  • target_represents (str) –


Return type:
