Source code for ndex2.util

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging
from ndex2 import constants
from ndex2.exceptions import NDExError

[docs] class DataConverter(object): """ Base class for subclasses that convert CX data types to/from native data types """ def __init__(self): self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] def convert_value(self, value=None, datatype=None): """ Defines method to converts *value* from CX to native data type using *datatype* as a guide :param value: Value to convert :type value: object :param datatype: CX data type which is one of the following: :py:const:`ndex2.constants.VALID_ATTRIBUTE_DATATYPES` :type datatype: str :raises NotImplementedError: Always raises this error cause subclasses should implement :return: Always raises :py:class:`NotImplementedError` """ raise NotImplementedError('Must be implemented by subclass')
[docs] class PandasDataConverter(DataConverter): """ Converts CX values to native Python data types via :py:func:`PandasDataConverter.convert_value` method .. versionadded:: 3.5.0 """ LIST_DTYPES = [constants.LIST_OF_BOOLEAN, constants.LIST_OF_DOUBLE, constants.LIST_OF_INTEGER, constants.LIST_OF_LONG, constants.LIST_OF_STRING] def __init__(self): super(DataConverter, self).__init__()
[docs] def convert_value(self, value=None, datatype=None): """ Converts *value* parameter passed in to type based on value of *datatype* parameter passed in. This is used in data conversion by :py:meth:`~ndex2.nice_cx_network.NiceCXNetwork.to_pandas_dataframe` .. versionadded:: 3.5.0 Conversion rules for different values of *datatype* parameter: * :py:const:`~ndex2.constants.STRING_DATATYPE` or ``None`` * `value` is converted by :py:class:`str` and returned * :py:const:`~ndex2.constants.BOOLEAN_DATATYPE` * If `value` is of type :py:class:`bool` it is just returned. If `value` is of type :py:class:`str` and equals `true` (ignore case) or `1` then ``True`` is returned and if value equals `false` (ignore case) or `0` is then ``False`` is returned. Otherwise value is converted by :py:class:`bool` and returned. If conversion fails :py:exc:`~ndex2.exceptions.NDExError` is raised * :py:const:`~ndex2.constants.DOUBLE_DATATYPE` * `value` is converted by :py:class:`float` and returned. If conversion fails :py:exc:`~ndex2.exceptions.NDExError` is raised * :py:const:`~ndex2.constants.INTEGER_DATATYPE` or :py:const:`~ndex2.constants.LONG_DATATYPE` * `value` is converted by :py:class:`int` and returned. If conversion fails :py:exc:`~ndex2.exceptions.NDExError` is raised * :py:const:`~ndex2.constants.LIST_OF_STRING`, :py:const:`~ndex2.constants.LIST_OF_BOOLEAN` :py:const:`~ndex2.constants.LIST_OF_DOUBLE`, :py:const:`~ndex2.constants.LIST_OF_INTEGER`, :py:const:`~ndex2.constants.LIST_OF_LONG` * If `value` is **NOT** of type :py:class:`list` then the `value` converted as if it's datatype is :py:const:`~ndex2.constants.STRING_DATATYPE`. If `value` is a list, each element is converted as if it's datatype is :py:const:`~ndex2.constants.STRING_DATATYPE` and values of :py:class:`list` are converted to a comma delimited :py:class:`str` Example usage: .. code-block:: python from ndex2.util import PandasDataConverter converter = PandasDataConverter() # converts number to type str res = converter.convert_value(123, 'string') # would output <class 'str'> print(type(res)) :param value: Value to convert :type value: object :param datatype: CX data type which is one of the following: :py:const:`ndex2.constants.VALID_ATTRIBUTE_DATATYPES` :type datatype: str :raises NDExError: If there is an error with conversion :return: Converted value :rtype: list, str, int, float, or bool """ if datatype is None: return str(value) try: lc_datatype = datatype.lower() if lc_datatype == constants.STRING_DATATYPE: return str(value) if lc_datatype == constants.BOOLEAN_DATATYPE: if isinstance(value, bool): return value if isinstance(value, str): lc_value = value.lower() if lc_value == 'true' or lc_value == '1': return True if lc_value == 'false' or lc_value == '0': return False return bool(value) if lc_datatype == constants.DOUBLE_DATATYPE: return float(value) if lc_datatype == constants.INTEGER_DATATYPE or \ lc_datatype == constants.LONG_DATATYPE: return int(value) if lc_datatype in PandasDataConverter.LIST_DTYPES: if not isinstance(value, list): return self.convert_value(value=value, datatype=constants.STRING_DATATYPE) return ','.join([self.convert_value(value=i, datatype=constants.STRING_DATATYPE) for i in value]) except ValueError as ve: raise NDExError('Unable to convert ' + str(value) + ' to type compatible with ' + datatype + ' CX data type : ' + str(ve)) except Exception as e: raise NDExError('Unable to convert ' + str(value) + ' : ' + str(e)) raise NDExError(datatype + ' unknown data type, cannot convert: ' + str(value))